Order now to receive one set of numbers for each week, so you will receive 26 sets of numbers for 6 months or 52 sets for one year. Use each set of numbers for the entire week.
Each set of numbers consist of five numbers between 1 & 75 & one MegaMillion number between 1 & 15 (one set for the duration of your subscription time).
Millions of dollars are won every year by Californians just like you. And a ticket, plus a little luck, is all you need to go from Lottery player to Lottery winner. So start making your millionaire wish list and imagine what a buck could do. Today might just be your lucky day.
MEGA Millions draws occur every Tuesday and Friday right after draw entry closes at 7:45p.m. PT
*Please provide your Email Address, where you would like your Lottery Numbers to be sent to, During check out.
Pick five lucky numbers from 1 to 75 and one MEGA number from 1 to 15 on a MEGA Millions playslip.
Or, play randomly generated numbers with Quick Pick®.
One playslip can hold up to five plays using your lucky numbers and you may play as many playslips as you like.
To play the same numbers for consecutive draws, just mark Advance Play®.
Quick Pick
Use Quick Pick for a fast play. You can select Quick Pick for your first five numbers, the one MEGA number or all six numbers and the computer will randomly generate numbers for you.
With Quick Pick you can purchase up to ten plays on a single playslip.
Advance Play
Advance Play allows you to play multiple draws with one purchase.
You can play 2 to 8, 16, or 20 consecutive draws on one playslip by marking the Advance Play box.
Note: Make sure to mark your numbers with either blue or black ink. And if you make a mistake, don't erase. Just mark the VOID box.